Circle for Business

Enterprise mobile app
Project Overview
Circle for Business is an enterprise app for
medium and large organizations that helps
employees who don’t typically work together
connect over lunch.

Nov 2018 - present

Danka Ha
Abe Nito
Julia Cheng
Mazhar B.
Hannah Zheng
Aamrah Khan
This project was initiated as a part of my Master’s program, where a team of PMs, UI & UX designers and programmers was formed to develop a solution for a given problem: “Create a platform for people over 30 to meet and form new friendships”.

It is currently being further developed by myself and some of the original team members.
My Contributions
Product Ownership - Managed the development of the clickable prototype and intro video for Circle for Business mobile app. Collected, prioritized and communicated requirements to ensure stellar delivery of the prototype.

Ideation - As a Product Manager, I handled ideation process by designing & conducting user interviews, facilitating discovery sessions with the team and making decision to move forward with the most feasible one.

Management - Managed scope, task breakdown and its delegation, and team communications.

Analysis and Strategy - Researched and defined buyer personas, the competitive landscape, product/market fit, and other information needed to craft our market positioning.